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    Only one more race finished on day 4 at the Asian Championship
    Posted On:  27/01/2012 17:38:26

    Originally intended as a reserve day, Friday 27th was rescheduled as a race day by the Race Committee.

    With light wind predominating since day 1, the championship had fallen behind schedule and it was hoped that conditions would improve and allow the permitted 3 races to be run today.

    Unfortunately the competitors were greeted by an overcast sky and zero wind when they arrived at the beach; and the Race Committee had no choice but to postpone. The forecast was not promising but the wind did pick up and the sky brightened - allowing the race committee to run one race for all classes. However the second race of the day had to be abandoned as it was not possible for any competitor to finish within the set time limit for a valid race.

    No problems for Oka Sulaksana, from Indonesia, with a first in race 6 to retain 1st overall!

    Full Results:  MOD  /  Photos

    . . . Previous reports

    (day 3 no racing) / Day 2 / Day 1 / Registration / Pattaya Prepares

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