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    Mistral World Championships
    Posted On:  15/04/2004 10:11:09

    Half way of the Championship have been passed with exciting competition both for men and women.
    On the third day of racing the wind speed reached to 35 knots while both men fleet were on the water. While the French windsurfers Nicolas Huguet FRA8 and Julien Bontemps FRA6 are dominating the Championship, the mighty Polish Przemek POL126 come up to 3rd position in overall. Paco Wirz ITA 1 just made it for the Gold Fleet by finishing 50th overall.
    The Turkish Hero Erturo TUR1 is performing well on the waters he knows well, overall 16th.
    Women were not allowed to race in tough conditions by the race commitee’s decision.

    On 14th of April women had to race while men are enjoying the rest day.

    The wind has changed its direction from South to North and the conditions become tricky for the first day of North wind. HKG 1 Lee Lai Shan took advantage of this change and finished in 1st position in the single race of the day, followed by FRA9 Faustine and ITA25 Alessandra. The women battle continues for the World Champion Title in close competition. There are ten different Nations in top ten at the moment.

    The weather forecast tells strong wind conditions for the next 3 days of racing.
    Good luck to all…

    For up-to-date reports and results go to  http://www.mistralworlds.com/