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    Kieler Woche - Day 3
    Posted On:  27/06/2003 18:48:49

    Flat sea made sailing impossible this morning.

    Finally summer has hit Kiel caused by the high pressure over Scandinavia. Easterly winds were not strong enough to dominate the sea breeze therefore racing was postponed for all areas until noon.

    Mistral men and women aswell as the Tornado´s remained in the habour until 4:00PM while all other classes were sent offshore as a light breeze from the east set in. Eventually on all courses racing took place when Mistral´s and Tornado competitors were sent to their courses.

    At 5:00 PM the race committee on the Mistral Course G tried to start in 3-4 knots breeze.  Men and women started whistling and yelling at the committee as the wind never got over 6 knots. After a short meeting the race committee hoisted AP over A flag and sent sailors back onshore.

    So we are hoping for better wind conditions tomorrow although the weatherforcast shall be more or less the same as today. Stay tuned and take care.... Mahalo Aline and Belly