Background Information
 - General
     .. Overview
     .. Committee
     .. Constitution
     .. Voting Rights & Class Fees
     .. Briefing paper for Nat. IMCOs
     .. Nat. IMCO Agreement
     .. MOD Distribution
     .. 2001 Audited Accounts
     .. Mistral Distributors
 - World Champions & Venues
 - The Olympics
 - Standard Event Documentation
 - Contacts
 - 2005 Report to ISAF
 - 2004 Report to ISAF
 - 2002 Accounts
 - 2002 Inc & Expend
Official Notice Board
MOD Set up & Tuning
Upcoming Events
Agenda & Minutes
Links & Contacts
News Archive
International Mistral Class Organisation
an ISAF "International" windsurfing class & founder member of the Att köpa viagra receptfritt symtomen kommer i 36-årsåldern med dålig matsmältning och nedsatt produktion. Cryptsy INTERNATIONAL WINDSURFING ASSOCIATION


Mission Statement
IMCO International Ltd. is an idependantly constituted body; member of the International Windsurfing Association ltd; licencee of Mistral Sports SA; set up to manage the the affairs of the membership of each of the following class associations Mistral One Design Class (IMCO was chosen as the Olympic Class in 1992, 1996 & 2000), the Mistral Junior One Design Class (MJOD), the Mistral Prodigy One Design Class (MPROD) and to maintain its three guiding principals which are...

1. To keep each board as equal as possible by maintaining the One-Design features of the equipment;
2. To minimize the cost for each competitor;
3. To encourage the use of racing tactics and sailing skills rather than equipment to increase board speed.

IMCO International Ltd. is registered as a limited company, based in Great Britain, which is subject to independant audit each year. The company has no share capital so individuals cannot benefit personally and is subject to the "Mutual Trading Provisions" which require any revenues to be used for the benefit of the membership.

1. To work closely with the ISAF and its National Authorities to develop windsurf racing in the world by defining a clear structure by which a junior racer can progress up the ladder to elite competitor status.
2. To expand the class at all levels of competition from the Elite to the Weekend competitor; for all age & weight divisions; for men & women everywhere and to be responsive to their needs and wishes.
3. To deliver quality race management for all and a 'social programme' second to none at well organised sanctioned regattas.
4. To establish good working relationships with sponsors & the media worldwide.
5. To maintain a well funded international office to manage the affairs of the class and act as a communications centre.
6. To establish clear ownership of the IMCO Corporate Identity and to protect it from improper use.
7. To have fun!

Background Information
IMCO International Ltd. is best described as a global windsurf club for owners of Mistral equipment racing in Junior, Youth, Recreational & Elite parts of the sport. The MOD was formed in 1978 and is anISAF "International Class"; the MJOD was formed in 2000 and is an ISAF "Recognised Class" and the MPROD is currently developing as a recreational class worldwide before making application to ISAF for recognition. The classes are run by volunteers who stage continental championships and world championships every year.

The International Sailing Federation (ISAF), the governing body of sailing, selected the MOD equipment for use at the Olympic Regatta in Savannah 1996, Sydney 2000 and have reselected it again for Athens 2004. No other windsurfing class has been selected for three Olympic Regattas in succession.

Competitors racing at major IMCO & MJOD events worldwide represent the pinnacle of the sport of windsurf racing in each age group in the world today. The MPROD is being established as a recreational racing class for all age groups and has no ambitions to move into elite competition believing that there are many racers who just want to have fun racing with friends at reasonable cost.

Competitors racing in Junior (MJOD) & Youth Divisions at Continental & World Championships are the potential world and Olynmpic champions of tomorrow.

Our regattas are subject to the current ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing and the relevant ISAF apperoved Class Rules.

The Mistral is one of the brands in the Boards & Nore GmbH stable who manufcature all their products in Molln, Austria. The MOD was first produced in 1989. Worldwide, there are more than 30,000 all of which are light, tough and reasonably priced. In the right hands, they can be sailed in windspeeds of between 5 - 35 knots depending on sea conditions.

IMCO have established 57 National Class Organisations and have further individual members which bring the total number of countries where the class is raced to well over 60.

We offer sponsors a professional public relations and media service; ensure site, competitor and sail branding; commission still photographers & video production and distribution; and work to provide cost effective returns on commercial investment.

The international office employs a full time Executive Secretary and is financed by income from international IMCO sanctioned regattas; class membership fees; a grant from the ISAF; and sponsorship by Boards & More GmbH.

The IMCO/MJOD/MPROD Executive Office provides the following services...

1. Administration & organisation for the classes worldwide;
2. Liaison with National and International Authorities;
3. Maintainance and enforcement , in association with the Class's Chief Measurer, of the Class Rules;
4. Promotion of the classes worldwide;
5. Communication through News Releases, the website and electronic newsletters;
6. Co-ordination of the International Racing Calendar;
7. Orchestration of 5 Continental and 2 World Championships annually (Junior & Youth Worlds/Senior Worlds).

The Executive Secretary is self-employed and works under contract to IMCO International Ltd.

Official Coaching Providers
IMCO International has established close links with two (so far) 'Official One-Design Olympic Windsurfing Coaching Providers'. These are:

has worked closely with the International Laser Class Association for a number of years. Their activities have now expanded whereby they now can offer a full range of services to individuals or National Authorities. Initially contact the IMCO Executive Office for more information
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How to join
There are two ways....

National Class Organisation...
With the support of your National Authority, you can set up a National IMCO or MJOD Class and benefit from the support of the International Executive Office;
priority consideration in the allocation of 'Discretionary Places' at the Mistral World Championship; Places 'by right' at your continental championship; a voice in the management of the class;
assistance in developing the sport in your country; and a network of contacts worldwide.
Annual Membership Fees are very reasonable and are based on the number of national membersthat you have. (between US $225 and US $600 p.a for IMCO and less for the MJOD)

If you are not sure whether a National IMCO or MJOD class already exists in your country or if you would like their contact details so you can start racing and having fun wherever you are, please e-mail us for more information

International Member...
This category of membership is for the International Competitor from a country where no National Class exists. The Annual Membership Fee is US $25.

NB. The Class Rules do not permit competitors to race internationally unless they are members of IMCO Int.
E-Mail for more information...

National Class Organisations
There are 57 National IMCOs.... More than half are in Europe; 20% are in Asia, a grouping that is growing; the balance are spread through North & South America and Oceania. Members include China, USA and Germany on the one hand and Cuba, Cyprus and Barabados on the other. All comments and views are welcome. One of our specific aims is to be repsonsive to your needs.

Championship & Racing Guidelines
The Championships and Racing Guidelines have been produced with the following objectives:

1. To establish the highest achievable standards for event organisation.
2. To provide written guidelines for prospective event organisers.
3. To provide a common basis for the improvement of event management.
4. To clearly establish the reciprocal responsibilites of IMCO Int. Ltd. and the event organiser.
5. To enable potential sponsors to get a clear idea of the organisational structure of an MPROD/IMCO/MJOD event.
The contents of this document form the basis for any bid submitted to IMCO Int. Ltd. for a European or World championship and are implicit in any agreement between IMCO Int. Ltd. and an event organiser.

All prospective LOAs wishing to run an MPROD, IMCO or MJOD sanctioned event should, in the first instance, contact the Executive Office. We will do all we can to assist you to achieve the most successful regatta possible, in the circumstances, and are happy to cooperate fully with other windsurfing classes to achieve critical mass. For potential sponsors, this document will give a clear idea of what we can do if the finance is available over and above that provided by the LOA. The latter finance will ensure that your valuable support will be concentrated on promoting your product or service and incidentally the sport that we love so much.
E-Mail for more information...

This is an annual publication distributed to all National IMCOs and National Authorities. It contains the International Regatta Calendar; Mistral World and Continental Championship Qualification systems; Published Accounts of IMCO International Ltd; Class Rules; Minutes of major meetings; and contact details for all IMCO/MJOD Committees and National Coaches. It is available to members for free and to non-members for a fee of US $15.

©IMCO Int. 2001
All rights reserved